Biophilic Solutions: Nature Has the Answers

Nature in Recovery & Corridors of Beauty with Karen Lloyd

Serenbe Media Network Season 4 Episode 73

What does it really mean when we talk about reconnecting with nature? To actually connect with nature, is it enough to simply get outside? Who speaks for the rights of nature to remain undisturbed? These are just a few of the compelling questions raised by our guest today, Dr. Karen Lloyd. Karen is the author of acclaimed book Abundance: Nature in Recovery and is a lecturer at the University of Lancaster, as well as writer in residence at the university’s Future Places Institute. Her work largely explores themes like abundance, restoration and repair in the natural world.

In this episode, we chat with Karen about a wide range of issues including habitat loss in her native Lake District, why the tendency to shift our baseline isn’t helping us in the climate fight, the city that has declared pollinators as citizens, and how we can meaningfully re-entangle ourselves with the natural world. 

Show Notes

Key Words: Nature, Nature Based Solutions, University of Lancaster, Lake District, English Lake District, Pollinators, Pollinator Habitats, Hyperobject, Climate, Climate Change, Climate Solutions, Biophilia, Biophilic Design 

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